8 Week Salsa Class
Service Description
SALSA 8 week salsa where Tatiana will go over salsa moves. Perfect for a beginner and an experienced dancer alike. Each week, the choreography progresses and evolves while still creating a solid foundation of movement and self expression. Tatiana is our Salsa instructor hailing from Eastern Europe. She danced her way to earn a degree from the Choreographic Institute of Contemporary Style in Samara, Russia. Tatiana is n o stranger to teaching Salsa and takes you on a journey to discover the natural way your body moves. the CURRICULUM Week 1 : 28th September Intro to Salsa & musicality. Week 2 : 5th October Salsa basics {focusing on hips and arms] Week 3 : 12th October Salsa basics {hips, arms & start choreo} Week 4 : 19th October Salsa choreo w/ grooves Week 5 : 26th October Salsa choreo w/ styling Week 6 : 2nd November Salsa choreo {focus on cleaning} Week 7 : 9th November Salsa choreo w/ different tempos & formation. Week 8 : 16th November Salsa choreo w/ shines & solos.

Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
131 W 72nd St, New York, NY, USA