Choose a song that you two as a couple connect with but would also be enjoyable + entertaining to your guests. Consider songs, which have a great melody, invigorating sentiments about love. If you are dancing to one song ensure it’s also timeless.
The average song is about 4 minutes. If you are dancing to one song select about 2 -3 minutes of the song. Talk to you DJ about mixing our favorite sections of the song together.
Make sure you learn the basic step of the style of dance you are doing. If you are dancing the waltz or tango ensure you learn the basic step and positioning as a foundation + confidence.
Leading and following is one of the essential elements to dancing smoothly, looking effortless + avoiding errors. The man is the support {lead} to the flower {follower}. The strong his stem {lead}, the better the blossom of the flower {follower}.
Consider the style of dance based on your 1st Dance song{s}. Also consider the personality + memory of your 1st Dance. Feeling confident and looking effortless is easier to attain with Choreography.